
Gemstone 101: Uncover Your Birthstone

For years, people have been fascinated with the gemstones that correspond to a person’s birth month. Each month has a unique gemstone counterpart. Usually, people buy themselves accessories with their corresponding birthstone attached to it. People may also buy these accessories as personalized gifts for their loved ones.

How it Was in the Past

During the older times, people had the notion that a person should have all of the twelve gemstones. This is so that they can wear each gem during their corresponding month.

However, during the 18th Century in Poland, Jewish traders marketed selling these stones based on a person’s birth month. Ultimately, in the year 1912, the trend was established in the US by the National Association of Jewelers. Hence, the birthstones that is popular as of today.

Here are the birthstones with their birth months:

  1. January – Garnet

The word Garnet came from the word gernet which means deep red color. This gemstone symbolizes guidance, friendship, and trust.

  • February – Amethyst

During the ancient times in Greece, people believed that wearing Amethyst would protect a person from getting drunk. Throughout history, Amethyst has been worn as a sign of royalty. The gemstone symbolizes peace, protection, and tranquility.

  • March – Aquamarine

This gem is named from the sea. It symbolizes hope, health, and happiness.

  • April – Diamond

Diamonds are one of the rarest gemstones in the world. It symbolizes purity, love, strength, and harmony.

  • May – Emerald

Emerald originated from the Greek word smaragdus which means green. This gemstone symbolizes love, loyalty, friendship, and success.

  • June – Pearl

Pearls are obtained from mollusks. It symbolizes purity, luck, and fortune.

  • July – Ruby

The word Ruby originated from the Latin word rubeus. The stone symbolizes passion, love, devotion, and desire.

  • August – Peridot

This lime green gemstone symbolizes serenity, trust, and happiness.

  • September – Sapphire

This symbolizes sincerity, charm, love, and trust.

  • October – Opal

An opal has a unique color when you spin it. It symbolizes hope, faith, brilliance, and good fortune

  • November – Topaz

A Topaz symbolizes faithfulness, friendship, and loyalty

  • December – Turquoise

The deep blue color gemstone symbolizes prosperity, clarity, and strength.

It is not too late to join the trend and give your spirit a boost from the gemstones. Ornate Jewels provides a list of accessories with corresponding birthstones depending on any person’s style.