
Understanding Eco Stewardship

With rising concerns on the environment and its degradation, eco stewardship has grown to be one of the buzzwords in the recent years. Educators, from environmental advocates to regular classroom teachers, have the responsibility to let people know about it. It is through the integration of these concepts to education systems and programs that people can realize their responsibilities to the environment and their part in conserving it for the future generations.

Eco Stewardship

But what does eco stewardship mean and stand for? To begin with, it pertains to the responsible and conscious use and protection of the environment. It is fulfilled through various sustainable practices and conservation efforts with the aim of achieving both ecosystem resilience and the well-being of humans.

According to NOAA Education Council, green education that includes stewardship helps learners to connect with local ecosystems and tools. This results to better understanding of how the littlest action of an individual can affect the environment. This helps the learners to become active participants in the movement towards smart and responsible management and protection of natural resources.

Desired Outcomes

As eco stewardship helps people understand their roles as individuals and members of the community, it is important for everyone to realize targets and outcomes on the different aspects of the natural resource systems:

  • Air: to keep air clean, healthy, and free from harmful pollutions
  • Ecosystems: to conserve and restore ecosystems and their functions
  • Energy: to conserve energy and create cleaner and greener alternatives
  • Land:  to promote environmentally friendly land management and development
  • Materials: to minimize consumption and wastes and to shift to eco-friendly materials
  • Water: to conserve water resources and ensure responsible use

Eco stewardship is becoming more and more important part of our education systems. It is through its integration in learning programs that people, especially the young ones, can realize their important role in protecting the environment and the future.