
How to tell when you need a new roof

Roofers Glasgow

If your roof is coming to the end of its life, continuing to fork out for expensive repairs on a regular basis is simply putting off the inevitable.

Replacement is far better than repair at this point and could prevent you from facing major structural problems down the road.

How though, will you know exactly when the time has come when a new roof is required?

Here are some of the most common signs that your roof is showing symptoms of needing to be replaced:

1. Leaks

If your roof has begun to leak on a regular basis, this is one of the clearest indications that it is nearing the end of its life cycle.

To check for leaks, go up into your loft space, if possible, immediately following, or during, heavy rainfall.

Take a close look for any signs that water may have penetrated.

If the leaks that you identify are only minor, or confined to a single small area, repair is probably the best way forward but if they are widespread, or if they return frequently, it is time to invest in a quality replacement.

2. Mould

If you find mould and mildew growth inside your home and cannot find any obvious source, a damaged roof may be the cause.

Dampness within the building structure is one of the major causes of mould growth in domestic homes and if your windows and doors are showing no signs of damage there is a good chance that your roof is to blame.

Before going ahead with a new roof installation the moment you find mould growth, check some of the other common causes of leakages such as bathroom fixtures and pipes to avoid any unnecessary spend.

3. Cracking

A single cracked tile is expected every now and again and can easily be repaired by an experienced roofer.

If cracks have started to spread widely across your roof on the shingles, it is an indication that your roof needs to be replaced within a maximum of 3-5 years.

For obvious reasons, a visual inspection of your roof is not always possible, and certainly shouldn’t be attempted if you are unsure about how to do so safely.

It is worth having your roof professionally inspected every so often, but another easy way to check for larger cracks is to go up into your attic during the day, turn off all the lights and look for light coming in.

4. Low energy efficiency

Energy prices have skyrocketed in recent years and homeowners across the country have seen a significant rise in their energy bills.

However, if you have found that you are actually using more energy than you once were, because you have to use your home heating system more frequently to keep your home at a comfortable temperature during the winter months, there is clearly a flaw in the insulation system.

Roofs are the single biggest contributor to heat loss in domestic homes and as your roof deteriorates the thermal efficiency of the unit will fall, leading to larger energy bills and a large carbon footprint.

Replacing your roof with a modern one, fitted with the most insulated materials and features, will help you save both your wallet and the environment and help you keep your home toasty warm throughout the winter months.

5. Age

If you have lived in the same property for over 25 years or have just moved in and there is no record of a roof replacement being completed in the past couple of decades, it is probably time for a replacement.

The fact is that architectural shingles fitted many years ago were only designed to last for around 30 years and even if you haven’t had any major structural problems yet, it is only a matter of time.

If you think that your roof may be reaching the conclusion of its natural life span, keep an even closer eye out for any of the signs mentioned in this blog, and begin factoring in the cost of replacement into your budget for the next few years.

What to consider when choosing a new roof

Knowing when you need to install a new roof by Roofers glasgow is one thing but finding the right one to install is quite another.

When planning your new roof installation, it is vital to consider:

  • Timeframe – Make sure to get an idea from potential installers as to how long installation will take as it is not recommended to stay inside whilst a roof is being fitted.
  • Season – Roofing installers will be busiest during the spring and summer so if you must have a roof installed during this period, be aware that you may have to wait slightly longer.
  • Reputation – Make sure to choose a roofing firm with a reputation for quality products and many years of experience within the industry.