Preventive Care

How to keep wasps out your garden

admin / August 14, 2023

Wasps don’t have the best reputation. It’s not their fault, but most people just aren’t a fan of having their summer picnic invaded by buzzing hungry insects that carry a pretty severe strong.

We hope to educate more people on the fantastic benefits that these insects bring to the eco-system, and hopefully change their reputation for the better. At the same time, we are also going to give you some tips on how to keep wasps away from your garden this summer so you can enjoy the warm weather in peace.

What are wasps?

Most wasp species are social insects, meaning that they work together to create large nests around their queen and gather food to take back to the colony. It is the social wasps that tend to cause us humans problems as they will sting anyone who they perceive to be a threat, especially when they are a threat to the nest.

The first tip that we will give you for dealing with wasps in your own home and garden is that you should avoid trying to kill them by swatting or squishing. Not only is there a good chance that you will be stung when doing so, but when a wasp is killed, or feels threatened, they will release pheromones that attract other wasps in the area.

If said wasps are very close at hand, if the nest is close-by, for example, this could lead to many painful stings all at once, raising the risk of an adverse allergic reaction. Even if this isn’t the case, your wasp problem is only going to get worse.

What are the benefits of wasps?

Despite the name of this article, there are actually many positives of having wasps in your garden. They hunt other insect pests that will destroy your garden plants and many it a lot easier to grow vegetables. They also pollinate flowers, despite a common misconception that it is only bees who perform this service.

Another fact that is not widely known about wasps is that only a select few of the many, many thousands of wasp species actually cause any problems for humans.

How to guard against wasps

Ok, we get it, you came here to find out how to keep wasps away, not about how great they are.

Luckily there are plenty of natural ways to do this without resorting to spraying insecticides around inside your home or garden.

These Include:
  • Growing strong smelling herbs such as cloves or mint.
  • Avoiding bright colours that are attractive to wasps seeking food.
  • Keep food and drink in sealed containers when they are not being eaten.
  • Spread peppermint oil around decking, sheds, and other areas using cotton wool balls to carry the scent.

NOTE: If you discover a wasps nest in your home, it is best to call a professional pest control company Salford as soon as you can rather than attempting DIY Removal.

Preventive Care

A guide to infrared Saunas

Using infrared light for health and wellness is not a new phenomenon, and infrared has been used in hospitals, even to treat babies, for many years now.

However, the home infrared sauna market is one that has exploded in recent times, with homeowners across the UK taking advantage of their affordability, and the customisation options that they provide to bring a touch of boutique spa experience into their own property.

But can infrared saunas really complete with traditional wood clad Finnish style saunas that have been used in Scandinavia for over 5000 years?

Here, we will examine exactly what infrared saunas are, how they compare to more traditional sauna types, and some of the reasons that so many professional athletes and wellbeing experts swear by them as a tool for relaxation and recovery.

How do they work?

Sauna experience

Traditional saunas create heat that is used to warm the air inside the room. In contrast, an infrared sauna heats you directly, with infrared panels sending heat directly into the human tissue beneath your skin. Far Infrared waves can penetrate up to 4 cm deep, far more effective for deep muscle relief and blood circulation than warm air alone.

Infrared saunas tend to operate at around 45-60 degrees Celsius, still pretty warm, but significantly less than the 70-90 degrees of a traditional sauna that many people find a bit overwhelming.

There are a number of different benefits to a sauna that is heated to a lower temperatures whilst still retaining all the fantastic benefits that have made saunas so popular over the years.

Benefits of infrared saunas

Mental relaxation

The physical benefits of regular sauna use are pretty well-known and extensive research has been done to back up anecdotal evidence. The mental health benefits of using an infrared sauna on a regular basis, however, are just as significant.

Studies that shown a noticeable drop in stress levels following a sauna session and even relief from symptoms of depression and other mental health problems.

Once you leave your sauna, you will feel more relaxed and less anxious, and your very own home infrared sauna is the perfect place to retreat to after a long day at work and forget about the worries and stresses of the day.

Better sleep

Infrared saunas help you to relax and unwind and can dramatically improve the quality of your sleep. Getting sufficient sleep is critical to good health, and using a sauna will not only make it easier to get in your recommended hours, but can also extend the length of your sleep REM cycles, meaning you will wake up in the morning feeling far more refreshed and ready to tackle the challenges of the days ahead.

Reduced blood pressure

High blood pressure dramatically increases your risk of a number of serious and possibly life-threatening conditions including heart attacks, heart failure, strokes, and more.

Using an infrared sauna will raise your body temperature, causing your blood vessels to dilate and blood pressure to fall.

Please note that if you suffer from low blood pressure that you should always check with a doctor before using a sauna of any kind just to make sure it is safe.

Ease muscle pain

Penetrating deep into muscle tissue and fibres, infrared heat provides effective relief from muscle aching and pain. Not only does infrared sauna use send oxygenated blood to damaged tissue, promoting fast healing, it also helps to remove lactic acid from the muscle itself.

All this means that you will able to recover quicker after a workout or simply a tough day at work, and get back to doing what you love pain free quicker than ever before.

Reduced risk of Alzheimer’s?

There have been some suggestions that regular sauna use may reduce the risk or severity of dementia and Alzheimer’s although further study is required to identify if this effect is higher or lower when an infrared sauna is used.

Are there any downsides?

The downsides to infrared saunas are very few and far between. The main reason that people might still wish to choose a traditional sauna is exactly that; tradition. Some people love the steam filled wood clad room of a Finnish sauna and care more about the authenticity of the experience itself than the health benefits that heat treatments can offer.

best home infrared sauna Glasgow

The only other potential downside is that infrared saunas do not produce steam in the same way as a steam sauna does. Steam brings its own array of health benefits including easing the symptoms of colds by clearing congestion and removing impurities from the surface of the skin.

For most people, these benefits are a worthy sacrifice considering the incredible advantages to choosing an infrared sauna, but if these are most important aspects of sauna use for you personally, an infrared sauna might not be the best option.

Get in touch now to discover more about the best home infrared sauna Glasgow products on the market.


How to tell when you need a new roof

admin / September 28, 2022
Roofers Glasgow

If your roof is coming to the end of its life, continuing to fork out for expensive repairs on a regular basis is simply putting off the inevitable.

Replacement is far better than repair at this point and could prevent you from facing major structural problems down the road.

How though, will you know exactly when the time has come when a new roof is required?

Here are some of the most common signs that your roof is showing symptoms of needing to be replaced:

1. Leaks

If your roof has begun to leak on a regular basis, this is one of the clearest indications that it is nearing the end of its life cycle.

To check for leaks, go up into your loft space, if possible, immediately following, or during, heavy rainfall.

Take a close look for any signs that water may have penetrated.

If the leaks that you identify are only minor, or confined to a single small area, repair is probably the best way forward but if they are widespread, or if they return frequently, it is time to invest in a quality replacement.

2. Mould

If you find mould and mildew growth inside your home and cannot find any obvious source, a damaged roof may be the cause.

Dampness within the building structure is one of the major causes of mould growth in domestic homes and if your windows and doors are showing no signs of damage there is a good chance that your roof is to blame.

Before going ahead with a new roof installation the moment you find mould growth, check some of the other common causes of leakages such as bathroom fixtures and pipes to avoid any unnecessary spend.

3. Cracking

A single cracked tile is expected every now and again and can easily be repaired by an experienced roofer.

If cracks have started to spread widely across your roof on the shingles, it is an indication that your roof needs to be replaced within a maximum of 3-5 years.

For obvious reasons, a visual inspection of your roof is not always possible, and certainly shouldn’t be attempted if you are unsure about how to do so safely.

It is worth having your roof professionally inspected every so often, but another easy way to check for larger cracks is to go up into your attic during the day, turn off all the lights and look for light coming in.

4. Low energy efficiency

Energy prices have skyrocketed in recent years and homeowners across the country have seen a significant rise in their energy bills.

However, if you have found that you are actually using more energy than you once were, because you have to use your home heating system more frequently to keep your home at a comfortable temperature during the winter months, there is clearly a flaw in the insulation system.

Roofs are the single biggest contributor to heat loss in domestic homes and as your roof deteriorates the thermal efficiency of the unit will fall, leading to larger energy bills and a large carbon footprint.

Replacing your roof with a modern one, fitted with the most insulated materials and features, will help you save both your wallet and the environment and help you keep your home toasty warm throughout the winter months.

5. Age

If you have lived in the same property for over 25 years or have just moved in and there is no record of a roof replacement being completed in the past couple of decades, it is probably time for a replacement.

The fact is that architectural shingles fitted many years ago were only designed to last for around 30 years and even if you haven’t had any major structural problems yet, it is only a matter of time.

If you think that your roof may be reaching the conclusion of its natural life span, keep an even closer eye out for any of the signs mentioned in this blog, and begin factoring in the cost of replacement into your budget for the next few years.

What to consider when choosing a new roof

Knowing when you need to install a new roof by Roofers glasgow is one thing but finding the right one to install is quite another.

When planning your new roof installation, it is vital to consider:

  • Timeframe – Make sure to get an idea from potential installers as to how long installation will take as it is not recommended to stay inside whilst a roof is being fitted.
  • Season – Roofing installers will be busiest during the spring and summer so if you must have a roof installed during this period, be aware that you may have to wait slightly longer.
  • Reputation – Make sure to choose a roofing firm with a reputation for quality products and many years of experience within the industry.

Construction Site Security


It is vital to implement effective security for any construction site. Construction is a huge industry in Britain, with construction projects involving a huge amount of people, resources, and money.

However, construction sites are frequently the target of crime, vandalism, and other problems – resulting in serious delays, increased costs, and irritated clients. As a result, it is vital to provide a construction site with the proper protection to ensure a project runs smoothly.

Read on to understand some of the issues faced by construction sites and why security is so important.

Theft and Vandalism

Theft and vandalism are some of the biggest concerns for the construction industry; it is estimated around £800 million is lost every year by the British construction industry because of theft and vandalism.

Thieves are attracted to construction sites because of the large amounts of raw materials and tools that are left on site grounds. Metal theft is a growing problem in the UK; many raw materials are stolen are resold at scrapyards. These include,

  • Brass
  • Bronze
  • Cast iron
  • Copper
  • Steal

There is often an abundance of these materials in building sites and this material is effectively free for thieves to take.

This is not to mention another growing issue – fuel theft. Much of the equipment and many of the vehicles on construction sites use expensive fuel which is often siphoned by thieves. Not only is this expensive to replace, but it slows work time, and the process can also damage the equipment.

Tools are also appealing for thieves as well. The tools and equipment used on construction sites are expensive and difficult to replace – meaning their loss can seriously delay work.

Vandals are just as likely to destroy or damage equipment as they are to steal it. Vandals may, for personal, political, or other reasons, destroy equipment, sabotage equipment, damage materials, or even start fires. This is a huge problem for any project, since it will slow down work and seriously harm staff morale. This is not to mention the serious increases to insurance premiums.


Sites that lack the proper security and protection are far more likely to suffer serious slowdowns in terms of productivity and efficiency. This is liable to cost you a significant amount of money in the long term.


The construction industry suffers a significantly greater number of injuries than the standard industry rate. The use of heavy equipment, digging of trenches, and movement of large material means the chances of injury are raised compared with many other industries. An employer has an important duty to keep everyone on a construction site safe.

How to keep a Construction Site Secure

1. CCTV Control

CCTV is a fantastic security measure and an excellent way to provide construction site security.

CCTV systems are a major deterrent to thieves and vandals – most thieves will not attempt to access a property equipped with CCTV because of the increased risk of prosecution if they are caught on camera. Furthermore, modern CCTV systems are designed to alert the authorities if they catch intruders – meaning the police or any manned guarding/security guards will be on the scene quickly to deal with the intruders.

CCTV also provides a fantastic back-up in the case a crime does occur. The footage will not only help find the criminals, but also prosecute them as well.

Furthermore, CCTV systems will allow you to monitor workers, keep an eye on any developments, and provide recordings of any accidents to help with liability disputes. This makes CCTV a major help on any construction site.

2. Floodlights

Floodlights and sensor lights are an excellent way to keep thieves and vandals away, as it removes the impression that the construction site is empty or provides hiding spaces.

3. Secure Storage

It is important that all tools and equipment is kept in secure units. Not only does this ensure the equipment is protected from the elements, but ensures it cannot easily be taken by any thieves.

4. Access Control

With a single point of access using biometric or ID card-based control systems, you can control who is able to come onto a site – helping to deter criminals (who are not interested in the challenge of navigating obstacles) but also ensure that unauthorised people cannot enter – helping to maintain important safety standards.

5. Manned Guarding services

Manned guarding/security guards are another excellent way to protect a site. Few thieves and vandals have any interest in confrontation and will avoid sites with a physical presence on it. If vandals or thieves do attempt something, the guards can alert the authorities and respond to the situation without you or your employees having to put themselves in harm’s way. Security guards can also prevent unauthorised people wandering onto the site during daytime – stopping accidents, while also settling disputes between workers.


The uses and effects of Botox vs Fillers


Both dermal fillers and Botox are cosmetic treatments used to reduce the signs of aging that are applied via injection by a medical professional.

Besides those similarities, however, they are very different procedures, each with its own unique uses and effects.

How do they work?


Botox has been used to effectively disguise the signs of aging for several decades now, blocking nerve signals and limiting movement in targeted areas.

Botox, a purified form of botulinum toxin, is a neuromuscular toxin that works by freezing specific muscles in the face, reducing the signs of wrinkles that are caused as a result of facial expressions.

For this reason, Botox is only effective at reducing wrinkles caused by muscle movement, such as crow’s feet, forehead lines, and the “11” between the eyebrows.

All these are caused as a result of smiling, squinting, scowling, and any number of other facial movements and can, therefore, be treated effectively by Botox.

What cannot be treated by Botox is sagging skin, thin lips, and static wrinkles that are prominent even when your face is at rest, and this is where fillers can be much more effective.

Dermal Fillers

On the other hand, dermal fillers add fullness and cheeks, lips, and around the mouth that can also help reduce wrinkles such as smile lines by smoothing the surrounding skin.

There are many different types of dermal fillers available in the UK, including collagen, Calcium Hydroxyapatite, and Hyaluronic acid each with their own specific uses and you should discuss which type would be most beneficial to your needs with a medical professional.

Dermal fillers, or soft tissue fillers, are designed to injected beneath the skin adding fullness and volume by smoothing out the area.

Unlike Botox, fillers are great at tackling static wrinkles as well as various other signs of aging on the face.

The many uses of dermal fillers include:

  • Tackling eye shadows and hollowness
  • Filling in shallow areas of the face and jowl
  • Softening static wrinkles
  • Plumping lips and cheeks
  • Reducing the effects of scars

Static wrinkles in the face are usually caused as a result of a loss of collagen and elasticity, and dermal fillers are a great way to rejuvenate your skin and give your face a fresher healthier appearance.

How long do they last?

Neither the effects of Botox nor dermal fillers are permanent and repeated treatment and ongoing care are required to ensure you continue to see the benefits.

Whilst the time the results last for vary upon a number of factors, the muscle relaxing effect of Botox generally last for between 3-4 months.

Just as the effects of fillers vary, so too does the time for which they last.

In general, however, fillers last longer than Botox fluctuating between 6 months and 2 years depending on the product used.

Are there side effects?

No medical procedure, even a non-invasive one such as a Botox or dermal filler injection, is completely without risk and there are a number of potential side effects that you should be aware of before proceeding with either.

Botox Side Effects

Botox is incredible safe as cosmetic procedures go, and complications are extremely rare.

Most side effects are only temporary and should wear off within a week or so after injection.

Potential side effects of Botox are:

  • Headaches
  • Drooping of eyelid/brow
  • Weakness of muscles
  • Rashes
  • Nausea/flu symptoms
  • Blurry vision

There is always a very slim possibility that your body may reject Botox as antibodies fight the toxin and the procedure could prove ineffective, but this only happens to less than 1% of people.

Dermal Fillers Side Effects

Dermal filler procedures should only ever be performed by a medical professional using a syringe as the vast majority of complications arise when non-syringe applied unauthorised fillers are used.

The most common problems associated with dermal fillers are:

  • Rashes, itching, and pimples
  • Bruising and swelling near the affected area
  • Lumps or asymmetry
  • Scarring, infection, or skin damage
  • Death of skin cells

Who Should Not use Botox or Fillers?

Both Botox and dermal fillers are extremely safe for the vast majority of the population.

There are certain groups however, who are more at risk from the procedure and should therefore look for alternatives to avoid putting themselves in danger.

These Include:

  • Pregnant Women
  • Women who are breastfeeding
  • Those in poor health
  • Those allergic to the ingredients used in these products


Every year in the UK, millions of Botox and dermal filler procedures are successfully performed, with significant side effects occurring in less than 1% of cases.

These are minimally invasive procedures that can rejuvenate your skin and have you feeling and looking years younger in no time, reducing the signs of wrinkles, and plumping up sagging areas.

For more information, or to book your Botox or filler appointment today, contact Luxe Skin on 0141 573 1473, or via email at


Can my Hot Tub be Used in the Winter?

admin / February 23, 2022
Hot Tubs

One of the most asked questions we get from those considering a hot tub purchase is whether they can be used during the winter.

The answer is YES!

Many customers actually find that they end up using their hot tubs more during the winter months as a warm soak is a fantastic way to take advantage of your outdoor space when otherwise it may go unused until the spring.

We’ve created this simple guide answering some common queries people have regarding winter hot tub use.

Should you drain your tub in the winter?

No! There is a misconception amongst many hot tub owners that you need to close down your hot tub over the winter months in order to protect it from damage, but this is simply not true.

This idea has developed as low quality inflatable spas cannot operate in low temperatures; however, well designed modern hot tubs are designed specifically to work perfectly all year round.

Hot tubs are extremely popular in countries that have cold climates for the majority of the year such as Canada, Norway, and Sweden so, as cold as it may seem at the time, they are more than capable of working through a Scottish winter.

At Bubble Box, our industry leading range of Aquavia hot tubs maintain optimal performance at temperatures as low as -25°C.

Draining your tub can actually damage your hot tub as the pumps and nozzles are designed to run regularly and restarting your tub after long periods left idle can cause operational issues.

It is also unlikely that you will be able to completely empty your tub of all water when draining and even the smallest layer of water left in the spa can easily freeze and cause cracking or leaks.

What are the benefits of using a hot tub during the winter?

Besides the practical benefits of keeping your hot tub operation all year round, the winter is actually the perfect time to enjoy the features of your luxury spa to the maximum.

Having outdoor space is a luxury in itself and they become the hub of our lives during the summer. With a hot tub installed you can enjoy your garden throughout the entire year.

Hot tubs are not just a luxury item and have a range of fantastic health benefits including improving circulation, promoting better sleep, stress relief, massage, muscle pain relief, and helping to relax your mind.

Many of the health problems that a spa can help tackle worsen during the winter, making hot tubs even more valuable during these periods.

Improve Circulation

When the temperature drops many people suffer from poor circulation as blood is directed away from our extremities such as hands and feet, towards vital organs as an automatic preservation precaution by our bodies.

This can exacerbate symptoms of arthritis, fibromyalgia, and other chronic conditions that cause joint pain.

A soak in your hot tub can be a blessed relief during this time dilating your blood vessels and circulating red blood cells throughout your entire body.

Reduce Illness

For all of us, the winter brings a much higher risk of developing a cold or picking up nasty viruses that can make our lives a misery.

Despite popular belief, it is usually not the cold weather that instigates colds but actually the more time spent inside during the winter hiding from the freezing temperatures outside.

Breathing in fresh air is a great way to clean your body, and a hot tub is a great way to enjoy all the benefits of being outdoors whilst remaining warm and comfortable.

Raising your body temperature is another way to stimulate white blood cell production and fight off infections and viruses so hot tubs provide the best of both worlds in this regard and are an extremely pleasant way to stay healthy in a time usually plagued by coughs and colds.

Does the type of hot tub matter?

By this point, you should be in no doubt that hot tubs are not only usable during the winter but provide the maximum health and wellbeing benefits during this time.

However, not all hot tubs are as effective as others, and you need to be careful that you don’t end up with expensive ongoing and repair costs by buying an unsuitable spa.

Poorly insulated hot tubs can cost more than £4 per day to run whilst top of the range eco spas cost less than 75p per day.

Aquavia hot tubs are some of the best insulated spas on the market and can be combined with an Energy Saving cover that is constructed of double insulation to minimise heat loss.

By using this feature our spas are as much as 67% more energy efficient than standard hot tubs.

Contact Bubble Box Hot Tubs Glasgow

For information on our extremely energy efficient and weatherproof spa systems contact Bubble Box Glasgow today on 01505 850 325 or fill out our contact form and one of our expert team will be delighted to help


Learning the Health Benefits of Carpet Cleaning

admin / December 15, 2021

While many people know the benefits of Carpet Cleaning for your home’s aesthetics, many aren’t aware of the serious health benefits that can be offered. In this article, we’ll discuss the serious benefits to your health offered by Acorn carpet cleaning services.

Carpets hold a huge number of Pollutants

Carpets are an amazing environment for pollutants to gather in. If a carpet isn’t provided with regular maintenance and professional cleaning, it will end up hiding a wide range of airborne gases and pollutants.

Some of the common pollutants found in a carpet include,

  • Dust mite and Cockroach allergens
  • Dust
  • Dander
  • Bacteria
  • Animal/Pet Dander
  • Pollen
  • Soil and Dirt
  • Mould spores

Pollutant’s overtime will be released into the air of your home. From here will worsen the quality of the air and create an odour, but they’ll also spread allergens and disease around your home. Children and the elderly are impacted by these gasses and particles.

Standard cleaning can’t do much to remove pollutants from your carpets; commercially available hoovers struggle to pull the pollutants from the fibres and will never be able to dislodge the full range of dirt and bacteria. While it’s always good to hoover regularly, it cannot deal with the problem properly.

The best approach is to make use of Acorn Professional Carpet cleaning. Acorn Glasgow makes use of high-quality industry standard vacuums, agitators, biodegradable sprays, and hot water extraction to ensure your carpet is kept properly clean of any Pollutants. This will ensure,

  • An increase in air quality in your home
  • Avoidance of Disease spread by Germs and Bacteria in the carpet.
  • Less exposure to gasses, dust, and allergens

These are serious health benefits, especially in the long term.

Getting Rid of Dust Mites and other Allergens

As already noted, cleaning is a great way to handle allergens.

Allergens come in a range of forms. Common allergens are pollen and animal hairs, which cause sneezing, irritation to the eyes and face, and in the worst cases respiratory problems. Dust is another serious allergen. While it might not be obvious, carpets are filled with these things, and will release them into the air of your home.

As many as 20,000 Dust mites can fill a room. Dust mites are microscopic and feed on dead skin and other debris we leave, and are a potent allergen, causing sneezing, irritation to the face and nose, and potentially causing issues to those with asthma or other respiratory issues.

By getting rid of these allergens, you’ll see a reduction in annoying allergic reactions.

Removing allergen particles is hard via traditional cleaning; not only do standard hoovers struggle to properly pull them free from the carpet but they can potentially disrupt them and spread them through the air.

Acorn cleaning has all the technology and equipment necessary to clear out allergens. Our high-power vacuum, agitator machines, and hot water extraction techniques will guarantee your carpets fibres are left clear of any of these

Carpet Cleaning can stop Mould

Mould isn’t uncommon in carpets; spills, food and moisture can end up spurring the development of mould and mould spores in your carpet.

Exposure to mould can cause a range of serious issues, including both allergic reactions (which include serious fever like symptoms, rashes, sneezing and irritated eyes) and respiratory illness. Mould is an extremely common allergen.

Preventing Mould in a carpet will require more than standard cleaning; while it’s important to regularly clean your carpet and handle any spills that do occur, the fact is that standard cleaning equipment simply can’t guarantee the removal of Mould spores or the prevention of Mould Development.

The limited vacuum ability of standard hoovers and the potential of other equipment to spread the spores can cause real worries. The longer that Mould spores are left, the far higher the chance that Mould will develop.

Acorn Carpet Cleaning on the other hand can provide you with an extensive deep clean which can help to rid you of mould spores and prevent the development of mould and mould related health issues.

A Mental Health Benefit

A dirty carpet can often have a serious impact on your mental health, with a negative impact on your perception of your home and loss of a sense of comfort.

Studies have shown that an improvement to the condition of your carpet and its appearance can have a serious positive effect on your overall mental health. The renewed, brand new, and ‘fresh’ look of the carpet can inspire a greater sense of confidence and comfort in your home. While you can help your sense of well-being via regular ‘normal’ cleaning, it won’t compare to the quality of a job provided by a deep carpet clean by acorn.