Preventive Care

How to keep wasps out your garden

Wasps don’t have the best reputation. It’s not their fault, but most people just aren’t a fan of having their summer picnic invaded by buzzing hungry insects that carry a pretty severe strong.

We hope to educate more people on the fantastic benefits that these insects bring to the eco-system, and hopefully change their reputation for the better. At the same time, we are also going to give you some tips on how to keep wasps away from your garden this summer so you can enjoy the warm weather in peace.

What are wasps?

Most wasp species are social insects, meaning that they work together to create large nests around their queen and gather food to take back to the colony. It is the social wasps that tend to cause us humans problems as they will sting anyone who they perceive to be a threat, especially when they are a threat to the nest.

The first tip that we will give you for dealing with wasps in your own home and garden is that you should avoid trying to kill them by swatting or squishing. Not only is there a good chance that you will be stung when doing so, but when a wasp is killed, or feels threatened, they will release pheromones that attract other wasps in the area.

If said wasps are very close at hand, if the nest is close-by, for example, this could lead to many painful stings all at once, raising the risk of an adverse allergic reaction. Even if this isn’t the case, your wasp problem is only going to get worse.

What are the benefits of wasps?

Despite the name of this article, there are actually many positives of having wasps in your garden. They hunt other insect pests that will destroy your garden plants and many it a lot easier to grow vegetables. They also pollinate flowers, despite a common misconception that it is only bees who perform this service.

Another fact that is not widely known about wasps is that only a select few of the many, many thousands of wasp species actually cause any problems for humans.

How to guard against wasps

Ok, we get it, you came here to find out how to keep wasps away, not about how great they are.

Luckily there are plenty of natural ways to do this without resorting to spraying insecticides around inside your home or garden.

These Include:
  • Growing strong smelling herbs such as cloves or mint.
  • Avoiding bright colours that are attractive to wasps seeking food.
  • Keep food and drink in sealed containers when they are not being eaten.
  • Spread peppermint oil around decking, sheds, and other areas using cotton wool balls to carry the scent.

NOTE: If you discover a wasps nest in your home, it is best to call a professional pest control company Salford as soon as you can rather than attempting DIY Removal.